Program Details
Participants to learn about the latest advances in TQM methods and its application in diverse businesses for gaining competitive advantage with effective utilization of TQM principles & Methods cutting across various functions in the entire value chain providing distinctive / attractive value to the customer while achieving accelerated business results.

Recommend cross functional team of adaptive managers and engineers at senior and middle management level under the leadership of one of the top executives to attend for most impact. Participants will be issued attendance certificate duly signed by Dr. Noriaki Kano at the end of each phase.
The program is designed on the basis of development of theory and concepts by Dr. Noriaki Kano (KQRO) and its application in various organizations in multiple countries thereby developing advanced methods duly proven over time through collaborative effort of KQRO and participating organizations in joint research projects. Dr. Kano will share the advanced concepts and methods with examples from various organizations that participated in this research.

Phase Details
- Online workshop of 3 days duration scheduled
for February 17-19, 2022. - Online sessions by: Dr. Noriaki Kano
- Participants who have already attended the
Phase 1 Training during January 27-29, 2021
can a ttend the Phase II workshop only which
is scheduled for February 25 & 26, 2022.
- Online Workshop scheduled for February 25-26, 2022
- Online session by: Dr. Noriaki Kano and TQMI team
- This is for participants who have attended
Phase-I training earlier during January 2021.
A small glimpse of Advanced TQM (2019)
Speaker Profiles

- Honorary Chairperson, Asian Network for Quality (ANQ)
- Prof. Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science Honorary
- Founder of Kano Quality Research Organization (KQRO)
- Member - International Academy for Quality (IAQ) Honorary
- Member - American Society for Quality (ASQ)
- Honorary Member and Principal Counselor - Indian Society for Quality (ISQ)
- Board Director, JUSE

- Chairman & Managing Director of TQM International Pvt Ltd. since 2002
- Honorary Member and Past President International Academy for Quality
- Honorary Director and Past Chairperson Asian Network for Quality
- Chairman – Intangles Lab Pvt. Ltd. since 2017 –

- President – TQM International Pvt. Ltd.
- Board Member - Asian Network for Quality
- Academician - International Academy for Quality (IAQ)
- Honorary Secretary - Indian Society for Quality (ISQ)