To contribute to the peace and joy of all the constituents i.e. employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers and the society at large through balanced, holistic and systemic approaches in consonance with the nature and the ecosystem.
Quality Policy
Quality Policy is committed to develop, deliver, review and continuously upgrade Total Quality Management (TQM) related education, training, diagnostic and counselling services and thereby gain and reinforce the confidence of all customers.
To gain the trust of the customer by creating and providing world class quality education, training, diagnostic and counselling services in the field of Quality Management and Business Management that will enable client organizations to transform their culture and implement systems to gain and maintain competitive advantage while ensuring sustainable development in harmony with nature as under.
- By building people capability and harnessing Total Human Potential
- Without causing harm to the ecology and
- Conservation of non-renewable resources
- To create consciousness amongst the people and organizations for quality as a way of life for rapid progress.
- To provide education and training for empowerment, methods and techniques relevant for the improvement of quality management, people and process.
- To provide counselling services to support the institutionalization of TQM process in specific organizations.
- To provide diagnostic services to assess the present status and to identify improvement opportunities.
- To conduct applications research for improvement of existing technologies and to create and develop new scientific soft technologies.
- To be trust worthy.
- Honesty: Honouring commitment and uploading declared values.
- Respect: Having consideration and providing joy to others.
- Co-operation.
- Combining the talent of all employees through teamwork.
- Harnessing the potential and talent of all stakeholders through teamwork.
- Producing more than we consume.
- Pioneering: Consciously finding unexplored paths and approaches.
- Innovative: Continuously finding new methods and process for substantive improvement in results.
- Creative: Consciously working to find news ways and means for the benefit of the larger group of people like an organization, the nation and the society at large.
- Continually striving to practise what we teach.