Benefits And implementation Of Business Process Reengineering
What is Business Process Reengineering (BPR)? As stated by Thomas H Davenport in the year 1993, “BPR encompasses the envisioning of new work strategies, the actual process design activity, and the implementation of the change in all its complex technological, human and organizational dimensions.” In simpler words, BPR is about creating a new system or redesigning a workflow within an organization for betterment of the business. And to achieve this, engineers need to come up with sample models, replicas and tests before implementing the new system to the workplace. This involves changes in two main areas – first being the usage of modern technologies, and second being building up functional teams.
As you can see that BPR was defined in 1993, meaning that it had initiated somewhere in the early 1990s. It was already understood by then that redesigning and restructuring workflows could highly help in improving quality, while reducing costs. In order to strive in the competitive environment, businesses need to be responsive and flexible; and for this, applying the BPR methodology is crucial. To apply this methodology to your organization too, you can take assistance from professionals who can provide you with the best Business Process Reengineering in India. One such name is TQMI, who has helped organizations improve customer service, cut down costs and become outstanding competitors through fundamental rethinking and radical redesigning of business processes.
How does BPR work?
There are four basic steps involved in the process of redesigning workflows, which are as under.
- Focusing on the needs of the customers and planning the company values based on the data.
- Re-designing the processes of your organization by using process reengineering tools.
- Organizing the business into cross-functional teams to create accountability for each process.
- Going through the skills of your employees and checking for any organizational issues; and enhancing business processes to solve them.
How is BPR beneficial?
Using the methodology of BPR in the organization, all the processes, people and technologies involved with the business can be repositioned to bring in two basic and very important benefits.
- Quality improvement – BPR technologies increase the collaboration and blending of work processes. It creates a clear picture of the procedures involved, the tasks to be accomplished, and assignment of roles and responsibilities; thus increasing liability among employees. And when there is complete accountability, the quality of work, and in turn, the quality of products and services, improves greatly.
- Cost reduction – Having everything nicely integrated, any kind of unproductive activities and unnecessary labour is eliminated. All of this reduces the wasted time, which ultimately also affects the costs involved.
How to implement BPR?
Implementing BPR into the organization requires one to follow some steps.
- Measure your goal and objectives – Identify the goals of your business first. It could be anything from quality improvement to cost reduction, or enhancing efficiency to satisfying customers. Until and unless you are able to measure your goals and objectives, you won’t be able to have a business mission and vision, without which you can’t begin any successful process.
- Identify the processes – Once your goals are clear, you need to identify the procedures you require to fulfill them. Eliminate or alter the procedures that can hinder your business from achieving the desired goals.
- Incorporate IT technologies – Any BPR system can be incomplete without the use of an efficient IT system. Incorporating IT technologies can help you track all factors that might affect the changes you plan to make.
- Create a prototype – With all the alterations and modifications, you come up with a completely new plan. Make sure you test this prototype to know whether it is worth implementing or not. In case of any faults, work over it again.
- Final verdict – Once your prototype is tested and seems to be perfect, you can move ahead to implement it. However, you need to eliminate all kinds of confusion and boost up smooth transitioning of the new system within your organization. For this, you need to help your employees cope with the new system. Remember that unless you have the support of the entire team and management, no system can be successful.